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Condensed Event Rules

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All Forms & Self Defense Events Competition Rules:

  1. 1. All competitors must wear a school uniform.

  2. 2. Athletes are grouped  by age and rank, however, judges will award a Gold, Silver, Bronze score to the contestant based on their individual merit (they are not scored or competing against other contestants.)  Awards are based on scoring table shown below.  No music is allowed.  Black belts who receive a final score of “Gold” will be eligible for the Grand Champion Contest. 

  3. A Grand Champion competition must have at least three competitors to be held.  This will be scored in Traditional Point Scoring System.   Divisions are based those that qualify.

  4. New!  Only black belt competitors that receive three gold scores are eligible for Grand Champion Rounds. A black belt competitor may receive a gold award from the judges' score of two golds and a silver (see Judging Table below),  however they will not be eligible for grand champion round unless they have received a gold score from each judge. 

Addt'l Form and Group Form Rules:

  1. This is an open style contest; all standardized traditional martial arts forms are accepted. 

  2. No creative, extreme forms or extreme gymnastic moves allowed.  Gymnastic moves part of a standardized form are allowed (roll, carteheel, etc.)

  3. Contestants must present a form in range of their rank/ experience.

Addt'l KG Sword & Open Weapon Form Rules

  1. No sharpened weapons are allowed. If a weapon is dropped, the contestant will be penalized one award level by the center referee.

  2. Open weapon forms may be standardized or creative however extreme gymnastic moves are not allowed.

Addt'l Partner / Group Form Form Rules

  1. Teams consist of 2 to 4 members, male and/or female, and may have variety of ranks.  All team members must be registered for the event.

  2. Synchronized means all of the moves are executed at the same time from start to finish.

  3. Teams may face in multiple directions for the performance and/or mirror their partners.

  4. Color belt(s) and black belt(s) can compete together in partner or group form divisions, however only groups consisting solely of black belts can qualify for grand champion rounds.

Addt'l Self Defense Rules

  1. Teams consist of up to 3 members, male and/or female, and may have variety of ranks.  All team members must be registered for the event. Color belt(s) and black belt(s) can compete together however only groups consisting solely of black belts can qualify for grand champion rounds. 

  2. Two divisions: Tactical (realistic) or Entertainment (action movie style.)

  3. One minute maximum time limit with a minimum three combinations presented.

  4. Present self- defense engagements, combat or a battle scene that is choreographed.

  5. Demonstration props, costumes and blunt edge weapons and dialog to each other are allowed. NO sharp weapons or projectiles.

Judging table for Forms and
Self Defense awards



All competitors must wear a school uniform.

​ Taekwondo Continuous Sparring Rules:

  1. TKD Continuous sparring match. 2 rounds, 1 ½ minutes per round, 30 second break.

  2. All competitors will be divided into groups of two and compete in one match.

  3. Judges will award the winner of each round by raising a flag based on superiority and technical dominance of each round.

  4. Most flags added between the 1st & 2nd round wins the match. An absolute tie will result in a tie, no overtime, sudden death

  5. Equipment is required for sparring - chest gear, head gear, shin and instep pads, fist and forewarm pads, mouthguard. Groin cup for males.  Face masks are highly encouraged and will be provided if necessary. 

  6. Coaches are highly recommended, however the match will not be held up if they are not at the ring when the match starts. Parents may coach.

  7. Kick with foot and straight punch to chest gear (torso) are legal (scoring) techniques.

  8. Color belts under age 12:  ANY kick or punch to face or head is gam jeom and loss of the round.  If such contact is excessive, then disqualification and loss of match.

  9.  Black belts, all ages, and color belts 12 and older:   Controlled contact (pulled and retracted on contact) with foot to headgear is legal (scoring) technique.  Excessive contact to headgear with kick is either loss of round or match depending on severity.  Contact to the face (not headgear) with foot, or contact w/ hand to face or headgear, is either loss of round or match depending on severity or intent.

  10. Elite Division:  Addt'l / heavier contact to head (not excessive) with a kick to the head may be allowed in this division upon the agreement of the competitors, coaches and referee chairs.  

  11.  Exception to color belt/black belt head contact: incidental contact which will be reviewed by judges & decision made.


Soft Sword Engagement Point Sparring Rules:

1.  A match consists of nine engagement rounds with one opponent.  The greatest number of rounds won is the winner.

2.  If the match is tied after nine rounds, up to three sudden death rounds are added. If tied after 12 rounds, the match is a tie.

3.   The target areas are the head, torso, arms, legs and feet. Note: Hands are not a target, a direct attack (strike or thrust) to neck is prohibited.

4.  Tournament will provide swords used.  Headgear is required and tournament will provide if needed.

5.   First to score a direct strike is winner of each round.  If simultaneous strikes occur (a clash), core beats extremities.

6.  The contestant has four different methods to score: direct strike, fake and strike, block an attack and immediately strike, your strike is blocked and you immediately strike. Note: Once contestants are engaged, all motions must be continuous, fluid, and connected with no pause in action.

7.   This Is a Control Contact Rule Tournament: In cases of injury due to excessive force or malicious intent, the center referee will declare a gam-jeom and announce the loss of the round or the disqualification and loss of match by the offender.

8. Infractions are: malicious striking, avoiding the engagement, striking with handle, a direct strike or thrust to the neck, attacking opponent with one hand on sword.

Padded Stick Fighting Rules:

1. Point style engagement matches:  9 rounds of engagements.

2.  There is both a divisional competition and one v. one competition based on the ages of the competitors.  Both are single elimination contests.  Adult division only is grand champion division.

3. Equipment is required for sparring. Contestants will use a single padded stick to spar.

4. Scoring is made by a strike or thrust to the head, torso or extremities.

5. Superiority: In case of a clash; a strike to the head beats the torso or extremities, A strike to the torso beats extremities.  

6. Minor infractions are avoiding the match, prolonged grabbing and pushing. Warning first time, then point goes to opponent.

7. Major infractions are direct strike to groin, neck or back of head, excessive contact, causing bleeding, sweeping, butting,

    throwing opponent, or unsportsmanlike conduct. 

8. Major Penalty: No warnings are given; 1st offense: one point is awarded to the opponent or disqualification.                            2nd offense: disqualification of the offender.


​​                         Festival Contests

All competitors must wear a school uniform.


 Inward Knife-hand Speed Break Contest -This is a Leaderboard and Grand champion contest.
Goal: In three combined rounds, break with an inward knife hand strike to move the holder cart the shortest distance possible.
  1. Contestant assumes a horse stance, feet must not leave the spot they are positioned during each breaking attempt.
  2. The contestant has 10 seconds to execute the break while moving the holder cart the shortest distance possible.
  3. Contestant has three (3) rounds. The distance the holder cart moves upon the break in each round is added together.
  4. Board must break to receive award higher than warrior in each round. The awards are based on the lowest combined score of all rounds.
  5. To be listed on the Leaderboard, the contestant must have three gold scores and the lowest cumulative score for their age group. A tie does not count.
 Power Side Kick Board Breaking Contest -This is a Leaderboard and Grand Champion contest.

Goal:  To break as many boards as possible with a side kick.

  1. The motion that proceeds the sidekick may be a standing, sliding, step behind or a skip only.  No rear leg, flying or spinning kick is allowed.  Side kick is done with bottom or knife edge of foot.

  2. Re-breakable boards are used for consistency and will be supplied by the tournament.

  3. Awards are based on the number of boards broken in one’s age category

  4. Age groups for the side kick breaking competition: Under 10 years old, ages 10-14 and ages 15 and older.

  5. Only gold medal winners are eligible for the Leaderboard.  A contestant must receive an award of gold and break more boards than the leader listed on the leaderboard in order to take over as the leader.  A tie does not count.


 Power Knife Hand or Hammer Fist Board Breaking Contest -This is a leaderboard and Grand Champion contest.

Goal:  To break as many boards as possible in a single downward knife hand or hammer fist strike

  1. The contestant may use a downward knife-hand or hammer-fist strike.

  2. Re-breakable boards are used for consistency and will be supplied by the tournament.

  3. Awards are based on the number of boards broken in age category

  4. Only gold medal winners are eligible for the Leaderboard.  A contestant must receive an award of gold and break more boards than the leader listed on the leaderboard in order to take over as the leader.  A tie does not count.


Fast kick Contest   - This is a Grand Champion contest.

Goal: To roundhouse kick the target as many times as you can in (2) ten second rounds.

  1. Kick at least belt height, foot must touch ground 

  2. Round 1: Right foot                     Round 2: Left foot      Round 1 + Round 2 = Total kicks

  3. Gold Medal:  Age 15+: 40+ total kicks, U-15: 40+ kicks, U-10: 35+ kicks.

  4. 2nd Year New Rule:  Regardless of age, you must have scored 40 or more kicks to qualify for the Grand Champion Round.  G

  5. Grand champion round: Choose a foot, do 30 kicks in the shortest amount of time.


Spin Hook Kick Contest - This is a Grand Champion contest.

Goal:  To spin and kick the target as many times as possible in one round in 15 seconds.

  1. One round, using the foot of your choice, striking with the back of the heal or sole of the foot to a target.

  2. Gold Medal:  Age 15+: 12+ kicks, Ages 10 - 14: 12+ kicks, U-10: 10+ total kicks.

  3. 2nd Year New Rule:  Regardless of age, you must have scored 12 or more kicks to qualify for the Grand Champion Round.  G

  4. Grand champion round: Choose a foot, do 20 spin hook kicks in the shortest amount of time.


Jump High Kick Contest - This is a Grand Champion contest.

Goal:  To jump up and kick the target as high as possible without falling down.

  1. Jump up to kick the target with the foot. Contestants start at head height.

  2. 18" above the head is a Gold Medal Winner

  3. Gold medal winners compete in Grand Champion Round.  


Paper Cutting and Target Thrusting Contest 

Goal:  To accurately cut the paper targets and accurately thrust the sword into targets to gain the highest possible score

  1. Each contestant will participate in three rounds.

  2. Round 1a: Forward thrust (target),  Round 1b: Top thrust from shoulder (target),  Round 3a: Turn around and thrust (target)

  2. Round 2: Front cut (paper).  Round 3:  cross cut (paper)

  3. Scores are calculated, awards are presented:  Gold, Silver, Bronze, Warrior.


Weapon Throwing Contest

Goal:  To score as many points as possible by throwing stars, knives, and hatchets at the targets

 1. The thrown weapon must stick to be awarded points and will be removed from the target between each throw.

2. Round 1. Throwing plastic stars at the target so they stick.

3. Round 2. Throwing plastic knives at the target so they stick.

4. Round 3. Throwing plastic axes at the target so they stick. 

 5.  scores are calculated, awards are presented:  Gold, Silver, Bronze, Warrior


Warrior Obstacle Fitness Course Contest

Goal: To complete the obstacles and exercises in the Warrior Course in the shortest amount of time possible.

  1. The contestant maneuvers through the obstacles and exercise challenges of the course.

  2. Time is marked, penalties will be added, and final time score will be given.

  3. Awards are presented Gold, Silver, Bronze, Warrior. 



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249 E Northwest Hwy

 Palatine, IL 60067

Monday: 11 am - 8 pm

Tuesday: 11 am - 8:30 pm

Weds.: 11 am - 8:30 pm

Thursday: 11 am - 8 pm

​​Saturday: 9 am - 11 am

Sunday: closed

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